Visit of Shiro and Toshi on 28th and 29th of June '03 in Munich



Tollwood festival close to Olympia Park in the north of Munich


For dinner we came back to the Biergarden in our neighbourhood in Mittersendling,

Shiro's favorit hobby

and finally as the day turned to night we went back to our home to finish the day with some drinks and chats.  




The next day on Sunday 29th we had a walk around the West-Park and visited the old Bavarian Wooden House, which was disassembled in 1980 in our Hometown Schöllnach to be rebuilt again in Munich due to the Bundesgartenschau (National Garden Show).

Chinese Life Garden and
Rose Garden.

On Sunday afternoon we left to the airport, to say good-bye to Shiro and Toshi when they left to Japan.